A Weekend of Anthropy
This weekend, famed game designer / book author Anna Anthropy is bringing New York City to its knees. There’ll be a lot of Parsons / NYU Game Center / Babycastles / NYC indies hangouts and events. Don’t be a stranger; come say hello!
- Anna Anthropy @ NYU Game Center (RSVP req.) (7 pm, 721 Broadway, 9th Floor Lobby)
- Molyjam NYC, Day 1 @ Parsons (team formation + Anna Anthropy talk) (6 East 16th St, 12th floor)
- Molyjam NYC Day 2
- Social Game Design Pitch Workshop @ NYU Game Center (RSVP req.) (10 AM, 721 Broadway)
- Playtech @ Parsons (we’ll pay you in pizza to test our games!) (1 PM, 2 West 13th St, 10th floor)
- Babycastles presents “Harpy Diem” @ Secret Project Robot (curated by Anna Anthropy) (8 PM, 389 Melrose St., Brooklyn)
- Molyjam NYC Day 3, presentations + awards