MFADT Spring Fair 2012!
Come to Parsons MFA Design and Technology’s first ever “Spring Fair” — basically we’re just going to show all the different wacky things we’ve been working on for the past year. There’ll be interactive installations, robots, games — it’s basically just some plain cool shit.
I’m planning to show my first person sex education game CondomCorps XXLL, fellow student Andy Wallace is going to have some Doodle Defense going, and we hear Ramiro “Hokra” Corbetta has something up his Brazilian sleeves. Also, meet a bunch of cool people who use technology for something other than video games! (yeah, I don’t get it either)
Sunday, April 15th.
1 – 6 PM. Stay as short or long as you want.
6 East 16th Street, 12th floor. (map)